Friday, 4 December 2020

We are thinking of Seniors this Christmas...

 Seniors are having a difficult time during the pandemic and we wanted to send them some cheer and well wishes.

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

We are having SPIRIT Days in December!

 Spirit Days in December:

Wednesday, Dec. 9th - Winter Hat Day

Friday, Dec. 11th - Cohort Colour Day 

Wed., Dec. 16th - Pajama Day

Fri., Dec. 18th
 - Christmas Character Day

Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Halloween Celebration will be on Friday

 Come dressed in your costume on Friday.  We will be celebrating in the afternoon with some party games and any treats that you may want to bring.  It's a bit different this year, but still will be fun!

Monday, 28 September 2020

Wear Orange on Wednesday


We read a true story about a little girl who wore an orange shirt, which was very special to her, on her first day of residential school.  Ask your child what happened and why they call it, Orange Shirt Day.

An interesting substitute for Saran Wrap...


This beeswax food wrap can be used as an environmentally friendly substitute for saran wrap.  It can be used for two years and when you throw it away, it decomposes quickly.  The warmth of your hand will mold the paper into any shape you want, sealing containers, bowls, etc.  I ordered mine online.  The class thought it was such a great idea to keep our earth HEALTHY and CLEAN.

Monday, 21 September 2020

Spelling and Reading program are starting TODAY!

 Your child will come home with the words of the week.  Our quiz will be on Friday.  Please read the letter and helpful study hints that your child brought home on Friday.  Your child will come home with a spelling homework page.  Please hand in on Friday. 

Also, add minutes to your reading logs.  Remember, 20 minutes     
adds up to 100 AIR MILES.  Our goal is to fly around the world.  We are starting in North America and our first stop will be South America.

Monday, 14 September 2020

Our art classes created DOT Art


September 15 is DOT day! Let's get CREATIVE!

 How Will You Make Your Mark on International Dot Day 2015?

Why do we celebrate Dot Day?
International Dot Day is staged to encourage people of all ages to harness their creativity. The inspiration behind the event is the children's book The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds.
Find something in your closet that has dots on it:)

Monday, 8 June 2020

Treat Others the Way you would like to be TREATED

A+ The Golden Rule Poster

Thank you for DOING your PART during Covid19

Thank you for doing your part during the Covid19 pandemic.  Our numbers in Manitoba are really low, so that shows that Manitobans, like you, are doing your part to keep the virus away.  We miss you and if we continue to wash our hands, stay home as much as possible, eat healthy and keep a 2 metre distance from others, we will see each other in September!
hand drawing cartoon character people in family wear mask protection fight Covid-19 - Royalty-free Vector stock vectorSTAY SAFE and do your PART

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Skating Fun!

Ms. Bradley was a guest reader in our classroom during, "I Love to Read" month.  We enjoyed listening to her and the message the book gave us.  A big thank you to Ms. Bradley!

Also, Mr. Feilberg and Mr. Stevenson came to read to us.  Mr. Feilberg talked about loving to read comic books as a child and showed us other types of genres that he enjoys.  His brother even wrote and illustrated a book that he showed us.  The illustrations were really creative.  Mr. Stevenson came and read us a number solving book.  It was challenging to come up with the answers.  It definitely stretched our thinking.  A big thank you to him as well!

Monday, 24 February 2020

Blue Bomber Cheerleader, Josie came to talk to Us:)

Josie, a Blue Bomber cheerleader, came to talk to us last Thursday.
She presented a well put together power point presentation with pictures of her and her cheer team at the Grey Cup.
We were super excited!  She answered our questions and even demonstrated some of her cheer moves.
She gave us some good advice on following our dreams and not giving up, if we really want something.  Thank you to Josie for your inspiration and giving us your time to come and present to room 156.  Go Bombers Go!

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

"I Love to Read"

The books have the names of our favourites books.  A big thank you to Mrs. Winnicki for helping us with this beautiful display that shows how much we LOVE to read.

Winter Activity Day

Mr. Liske Was Our Guest Reader

During "I Love to Read" month we invite special guests to come and read to us.  Mr. Liske read four of his favourites and answered our questions about his job as principal of the high school.  It was really interesting to listen to him and learn a few things about EESS:)

Friday, 24 January 2020

Jets “I Love To Read” Contest Entry

We had a blast coming up with ideas on how to enter the Jets, “I Love To Read Contest”.  The class came up with a rhyming rap and wanted to add some pizazz by adding the Jets coming on the ice song in the beginning and to end it the goal horn.  I was proud to see how everyone worked together to make it

  1. happen.  Awesome effort by all!  Go Jets Go!

Thursday, 23 January 2020

Studying Colour and Light Is Fun!

Students making a rainbow of colours with milk, food colouring and dish detergent.

The question "why" came up and students had some ideas.  One said that it must be a chemical reaction of some sort, so we decided to come up with the correct answer.
The secret of the bursting colours is in the chemistry of that tiny drop of soap.  Like other oils, milk fat is a non-polar fat molecule and that means it doesn't dissolve in water. When soap is mixed in, however, the non-polar portion of  the molecular soap structures in solution, break up and collect the non-polar fat molecules.  Basically, it's called fat molecule gymnastics, the food colouring molecules are bumped and shoved everywhere, providing an easy way to observe all the invisible activity.
It was neat to observe the fascination when the reaction started and kept going.
The colour display was amazing!

Tuesday, 7 January 2020

Happy 2020

It's 2020 and we are ready for more learning!!!

Thank you for the Hamper Donations

We are so grateful for the generosity of our classroom community. It was awesome to watch the students place their donation into the decorated hamper boxes.  We ended up with three full boxes when the grade 5's picked them up to be put them in the library.  As a class, we went for a gallery walk and looked at all the beautifully decorated hampers.  As a challenge, students were asked to count how many our school community donated.  There were a total of 72 hampers!  Great job EBEYS!!!  We helped make Christmas a bit easier for quite a few families in our community. 
Thank you again for helping your child with all the donations that were brought to school.
Our three full boxes

February is "I Love to Read" month!

  We are enjoying sharing the books that we have read on our, "Reading Takes You Places" bulletin board.  Students are enthusiasti...