Monday, 26 November 2018

Come to Portfolio Night:)

We would like to invite you to our Term 1 Portfolio Night.  Come join us this Thursday.  Please go to the school website and make an appointment.  Your child will be showing you some samples of their learning this term.  We are looking forward to a fun filled night showcasing your child's learning.

Image result for images of portfolio night

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Friday, 11 May 2018

Outdoor Learning

We enjoyed our Art class outside last week.  Students were exploring the playground to include lines, space and  perspective drawing techniques in their sketches.

Tuesday, 20 March 2018


What better way to celebrate the end of term 2 and the beginning of Spring by having a Spirit Week at our school.  Our class is very enthusiastic in participating in the different themed days.

Miles, Crosby and Vaughn played in the Student/Staff hockey game.  We had a great time watching them play so hard.  It ended up being a 4-4 tie.  Crosby and Vaughn had just won their league banner the night before, so they were still pumped from that.
Emma and Karly played in the Staff/Student Ringette game.  They are both fast skaters and it was fun to watch them on the ice. Way to go!  Karly even scored and there was a lot of passing during the game.
Our class made posters cheering their classmates on.  The fans were awesome!
These three embraced "Crazy Hair "day.  They didn't even look like themselves...

Congratulations Ashley!

We are so proud of Ashley!  Ashley has worked very hard on her solo Ukrainian dance routine and won the gold last weekend. Also, her dance group won two silvers. All your hard work has paid off!  Congratulations!

Monday, 26 February 2018

Presley's Vacation to Florida

Presley came back from her family vacation today in Florida.  She prepared a detailed presentation of all the things she experienced there.  We all were amazed and learned many things about Disney.  She even went to a dog show.  Her favourite park was Animal Kingdom, which she went to at night.  Presley showed us pictures and some short videos she took of her experience. Thank you Presley for sharing your holiday experience with us.

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Interesting T.U.S.C. Presentations

We are currently watching T.U.S.C. presentations that are very informative and interesting to listen to.
     Dylan had the job of collector and he brought his car collection.  He shared some stories about some of them, which made his presentation very interesting.  He has been collecting cars since he was three years old.  Some cars were in mint shape and others not so much:)
Kaylee had the T.U.S.C. job of Book and Movie talk, so she chose to do a Book talk.  She chose to talk about, "Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets".  Her description and summary was very detailed and interesting.  She concluded her presentation by showing us a few items from Hogwarts, the school of witchcraft and wizardry.  Kaylee knitted the Gryffindor scarf for her sister for Christmas.  Her sister is a Harry Potter enthusiast as well.  The wand and headband were also things from the movie and book.  She was very enthusiastic, making us want to read the series.

Friday, 26 January 2018

Learning how to play "Capture 5"

Merci to Room 165 for showing us how to play:)
This morning the French Immersion grade 5 class showed us how to play a math game called "Capture 5".  We had a lot of fun learning and some of us even captured 5!  We are looking forward to playing it in our classroom next week during math class.

Thursday, 18 January 2018

Thank you for your KIND deed!

Vaughn, Ryder and Jayden decided to help the environment during lunch recess today.  They came across some litter and wondered if there was more on their playground.  From there, they discovered that there was enough garbage to fill a plastic shopping bag.  Thank you to these boys for this brilliant idea.  Your curiosity has cleaned up our school playground environment.  Hopefully other students will put your positive example into action as well.  Good JOB!

February is "I Love to Read" month!

  We are enjoying sharing the books that we have read on our, "Reading Takes You Places" bulletin board.  Students are enthusiasti...