Thursday, 7 December 2017

Bully Prevention Presentations

Ms. Chodak came into our classroom yesterday to watch our Bully Prevention presentations that we prepared for her.  She was very impressed by all the work we put into them and all the learning we showed.  There were quite a variety of projects to present.  For example, Karly and Arianna made calendars, Ashley made a magazine, Deanna, Delaney, Peytyn, Nicole and Kady made a poster, and Presley, Carter and Dylan made a game all about bullying.  We all found them interesting and Ms. Chodak mentioned that we had very creative ideas.  She may even use them as suggestions for next year's grade 5's.

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Christmas Concert

Hi Everyone!
It's that time of year that we are busy practicing for our number at the annual Christmas Concert.  Our performance will be Wednesday, December 13th at 2:00pm and at 7:00 pm.  We have a fun song and play to share with you.  We hope you will enjoy! 
Merry Christmas Happy New Year!

Thursday, 9 November 2017

Mr. Starkey's Presentation

Mr. Starkey invited us to come to the display case, by the front office, for a presentation on Vimy Ridge.  He had collages of pictures and artifacts to talk about and show us. Some of the artifacts were up to 100 years old. We all agreed that it was very interesting to learn about the events that took place and how significant it is to our country.  Many soldiers lost their lives in order for us to have freedom today and that is something we should never forget.  We are proud of Mr. Starkey, who started serving in the military when he was 17 years old.  He had to get his parents permission to join.  Mr. Starkey is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to wars and missions that the Canadian army participates in.   Thank you to Mr. Starkey for taking the time to talk to us and thank you for your service to keep us free.

Monday, 23 October 2017

Empty Bowls

The grade 5 classes and their families took part in an "Empty Bowls" evening held in the gym of our school on Thursday.  In preparation for this evening each class studied poverty and homelessness.  We read stories, watched the Hannah Taylor DVD, wrote Home poems, discussed and experienced a Hunger Banquet, which represented the three different income based groups in our society.  The experience was eye opening for the students.  It's interesting to observe how compassionate the students are towards one another, which leaves a sense of hope for a better future.  Each class made soup in preparation of our Empty Bowls evening.  Every student made a clay bowl, which they painted.  The bowls will be a reminder to students of all the empty bowls in the world.  We realized, through some research, that if everyone would share we could feed the world's population
twice.  People die of hunger and malnutrition every day.  If only people would share...
Here are some pictures of our Empty Bowls evening.
We collected tin for the bin and  a silver collection, which will be donated to our local food bank.

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Way to finish the RACE!

After all that training, the cross country runners came back tired and yet excited to share the news of their personal accomplishments.
Arianna placed 1st in the grade 5 girls category.
Eve placed 9th
Miles placed 11th in the grade 5 boys category.
Vaughn placed  22nd   
Jesse 27th placed  
Daylin 53rd placed
Carter 62nd placed

Thursday, 5 October 2017

Good luck to our Cross Country Runners!

Wishing all of our runners that trained for the divisional Cross Country Run, at Birds Hill Park a great day!  They have worked hard and were very excited this morning.  Can't wait to hear how they did...

Friday, 15 September 2017

Welcome to a New School Year!

The students in Room 164 have enjoyed getting to know each other and the routines of our classroom.  We all discussed what a peaceful classroom should look like and our peace poster is hanging in our room.  The importance of treating each other with kindness was also discussed and we participated in a powerful activity addressing the result of not being kind.
A good visual reminder

Kindness Activity

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Weather Design Projects in Science

We have been learning about weather in science and as a final project we were assigned a design project.  Students chose a design project that has something to do with the weather.  They had to build it and practice presenting it to the class.  After explaining what materials were needed and what the purpose is for their design, students demonstrated how it worked in front of the class.  The presentations were interesting and useful.  Students are planning on using their designs at home.

Sabrina and Kaydyn made rain gauges.

Thursday, 6 April 2017


Today we had a special earth friendly presentation by the Earth Rangers.  The Earth Rangers tour schools throughout Canada. We really enjoyed the presentation.  Many facts about animals and extinction were shared with the students.  We even got to see a real live Pine Marten, Red tailed hawk and more!  It was really interesting and encouraging to hear and see what Canada is doing for the environment to help animals live in a healthy environment.

Earth Rangers is the kids’ conservation organization. The programs are based on research that indicates that the number one environmental concern for children across Canada is protecting animals from extinction. They believe that when children learn about the threats facing animals and their habitats, they are eager to help, but don’t always know how they can make a difference. That’s where Bring Back the Wild comes in.
We are hoping to all become Earth Rangers and be a part of such an important movement.  We know we can make a difference!

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Welcome Back for Term 3!

Wow, it's third term already and Spring has finally arrived!  The grade 5's final term at EBEYS is here and it will go by quickly.  We will be going to the WSO, orchestra performance at EESS, orientation at EESS, Museum Sleepover and our Celebration at the end of the year.  There is still a lot to learn in our grade 5 program, so the students will be working hard to complete their final term.  It is amazing how they have changed in maturity and academics this year so far.  Presently, the class is enjoying Ms. Bell's 6 week block of teaching.  Ms. Bell will be teaching us about fractions, a novel study, poetry, all about the weather and many more topics.

Happy Spring everyone!

Image result for images of spring

Monday, 27 February 2017

Festival du Voyageur

Our fieldtrip to Festival du Voyageur was AWESOME!  We enjoyed the whole day.It started off at the beginning of the day with the boy bus and the girl bus.  When we got to the park we went to the Metis women presentation, which took place in a Tepee.  Then we had an early lunch where we were able to go exploring with a buddy and an adult.  Mrs. Meisner and Mrs. McDuffe were our parent volunteers. Miss Bell was also there to help us out.  After lunch, we went to the giant sash weaving station.  It was really neat how we were able to weave it by following certain steps.  After the giant ceinture flechee weaving we went to the transportation station.  There were two voyageurs that spoke about what was used in the 1800's to transport goods and how they got around.  For example, they used dog sleds in the winter months and a special carrier for cargo in the summer months.  They also use snowshoes when the snow was too deep to walk on.  After the transportation station, we got to go on a sleigh ride and a team of two Clydesdale horses pulled us.  It was so much fun and nobody fell off!  After that, we got to have some free time to play and buy souvenirs if we wanted. 

Guest Reader

Mr. Stevenson came to read to us today.  He read us, "The Girl Who Never Made Mistakes" and "Bedtime Math".  Both were excellent reads and he definitely captured his audience's attention.  He brought his huge calculator along.  The calculator's name is Callie and it talks to him to give him math answers.  He gave us a really difficult math problem, which he would use a calculator for.  If we choose, we can figure out the answer and Mrs. Kobelka will email him to see if it is correct.  Only 9 students in Sunrise School Division have been able to solve the problem correctly.  Hopefully someone in our class can do it.  Here is a picture of the problem.  We used Garrick and Peyton's birthdays as starting numbers.

Congratulations Kadence

We are proud of our classmates accomplishments!  Kadence had a gymnastics competition this past weekend and she had a great competition.  Here is a picture of Kadence with her medal that she worked so hard to train for.  Way to go Kadence!

Tuesday, 21 February 2017


We have had some guest readers this month. Mr. Feilberg came to read to us today.  It was an interesting visit.  He talked about puns and metaphors.  We chose a book that had scary stories in it.  After pulling the blinds down to block the light coming in from outside and shutting the classroom lights off, he went on to read two different stories to us.  We did jump once!  Our class had to come up with suitable endings to the two stories he read to us. It was fun! 

Ms. Bradley came to read to us as well.  She brought two books that were written at different times and we got to compare the two.  It was neat to notice the differences in the books.  The things they mentioned definitely dated them.  We found the illustrations alone gave away what time period they were written in.

Thank you to all our guest readers for taking the time to read to us!

Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Northern Food Cost

Amy, Madeline and Mikayla
Three students from E.S.S. came to teach us a lesson on what the costs of foods are in Churchill compared to the cost of food in Winnipeg. It was very interesting and fun to participate in. We were divided into 4 groups and were instructed to follow the Canada Food Guide. Two groups went shopping in the south and two groups went shopping in the north. The two groups shopping in the north were given $100 to spend and they quickly realized that they couldn't buy very much for that amount. The two groups shopping in the south were also given $100 and were able to buy all the items on their list plus some extra treats. The cost of groceries in the north is very high compared to the south. Amy, Mikayla and Madeline made us aware that if we can come up with solutions to assist the families in the north, it would help them tremendously. At the end of the activity the girls handed out brochures that we took home, so we can make our


          families aware of the problem as well.

Congratulations to Everyone who performed in the Talent Show

Congratulations to Kadence, Zoey, Irene, James, Pierce, Peyton and Garrick for performing in the second annual Talent Show!  All grade 5 students were invited to showcase a talent that they have.  It was an awesome show.  Great job everyone and we are proud of you!  It takes a lot of courage to put yourself out there.

Global Play Day

We will be celebrating Global Play Day on Thursday at the end of the day after lunch.  Students are welcome to bring toys and games from home to play with their friends in our classroom.  Please check out the link below to read up on how healthy unstructured play is for a student's/child's development.  It is very interesting and does make sense.  Remind your child that on Global Play Day we do not play with electronics.

Thursday, 26 January 2017

Artist in the School Leigh-Anne Kehler

Our school has had the privilege to have an artist in our classrooms.  Leigh-Anne comes into our classroom for 35 minute sessions.  She is an amazing storyteller and actor.  She told us a story related to our learning in Social Studies.  Marta is a girl in the Haida native group of the West Coast Region of Canada long ago.   Today, we silently acted out scenes of her experiences as a Haida member.  We had so much fun acting and listening to her story that we couldn't stop talking about it afterwards.

February is "I Love to Read" month!

  We are enjoying sharing the books that we have read on our, "Reading Takes You Places" bulletin board.  Students are enthusiasti...